How to buy auto insurance confused? Buying a car insurance or auto insurance plan can be difficult if you can’t choose the right insurer and the right cover. But, in today’s times, with the availability of the internet, getting insurance has become extremely easy and hassle-free! You can buy/renew car insurance online, but before buying, it is advisable to get quotes from different insurers and then compare car insurance so that you get the best deal! To help you find the right plan, we’ve listed a few steps you need to follow!
Tips for buying auto insurance
Understand the genre
Before buying a policy it is important to know the different types. Auto insurance, also known as motor insurance or car insurance is mainly of two types – third-party insurance and comprehensive car insurance. A third-party insurance policy ensures that you do not have to bear any legal liability or expenses arising out of an accident that causes damage or loss to a third party. But, the policy does not provide coverage for any loss or damage to the owner’s vehicle or the insured person. Whereas, comprehensive car insurance provides cover against third parties and also covers loss/damage to the insured vehicle or the insured. This scheme also covers damage caused to the vehicle due to theft, legal liability, personal accident, man-made/natural calamities, etc.
Compare car insurance
When comparing car insurance, it is very important to find a plan that provides adequate coverage. Depending on your vehicle model, date of manufacture, and engine type ( Petrol /Diesel/CNG) you need to understand what cover is required for your vehicle. Apart from this, check the availability of optional coverage like roadside assistance, personal accident cover for drivers and passengers, and a no-claims bonus discount. An effective auto insurance comparison helps you get quality plans from top insurers.
Customers who need additional protection for their vehicle can opt for additional coverage in the policy. Some common coverage add-ons are engine protector, zero depreciation cover, accessory cover, medical expenses, etc. Additional items might expand your premium, however on the off chance that you have a costly vehicle, it merits adding.
Get car insurance quotes from different insurers
When comparing car insurance, you need to consider the amount you are willing to pay in premium. Thus, get quotes from multiple insurance companies online, and compare the premiums and features to make a well-rounded decision on which policy to opt for.
Buy/Renew Car Insurance Online
Buying or renewing an auto insurance policy online can save you time. Many insurance companies offer online purchases of a plan or policy renewal through their web portal and sometimes even through mobile apps. Customers can use this advance option to renew or buy an auto insurance plan at their convenience. While purchasing a policy, customers may be required to submit all relevant information such as vehicle registration number, license number, date of manufacture, model number, personal details of the insured, etc. Customers are advised to renew their policies to avoid any hassles. Before the expiration date!